Will Stahl-Timmins


Will Stahl-Timmins
BMJ Publishing, Inc.
London, United Kingdom

Data Graphics Designer
Information Design Association Committee

What is the motivation to work in information design?

I am an information designer working in visual presentation of health research data for practitioners and researchers. I tell stories  using data visualisation and infographics.

What are you working on at the moment?

Full time for The BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal) making static and interactive infographics for print and web.
Check out: www.bjm.com/infographics

What is a project you consider a great example of information design?

Old favourites of mine include the work of the Isotype Institute, London transport, Captain Sankey and Minard. I’ve also been really enjoying the work of Mark Belan recently for Visual Capitalist. He has a really great visual style.

What is your dream project?

While I love working on the BMJ infographics, I’ve been interested in data sculpture and physical infographics recently. I’d love to work on some exhibition projects one day, that blend the virtual space of dataviz with physical objects.