IIID Award for Leadership and Dictinctive Achievement in Information Design:
Professor Clive Richards MPhil PhD(RCA) FRSA
Clive Richards is Professor Emeritus of Information Design at Birmingham City University, UK, where he was Director of Research for the Birmingham Institute for Art and Design until 2016. He was President of the IIID from 2009 until 2017, during which period he led its organisational and management re-structuring.His professional life began in the Technical Publications Department of Dunlop Aviation as a technical illustrator, following which he combined free-lance graphic design practice with a university teaching, research and management career. He researched and developed computer-aided drawing applications at Lanchester Polytechnic, Coventry, working in collaboration with the Royal College of Art, London, and the Computer Aided Design Centre, Cambridge, UK. Examples of his pioneering computer graphics from the 1960s and 70s are in the permanent collection of the Victoria and Albert (V&A) museum and have featured in V&A exhibitions, including Chance and Control staged in 2018.
His PhD research into diagram design at the Royal College of Art has informed subsequent work in the field, for which he coined the term ‘Diagrammatics’ in 1980. He has published on this topic and related research, most recently contributing a chapter to Information Design (Routledge, 2017). His latest publication, as editor with nine other contributors, is titled Elements of Diagramming (Routledge, forthcoming 2019).
Professor Richards is a member of various national UK bodies concerned with Higher Education and research in art and design. He carries out his graphic design and research work from his Coventry studio in the centre of England.
Decision of the IIID General Assembly of 28 October 2017 in Riga, Latvia
Peter Simlinger
Peter obtained a degree in architecture from the University of Technology Vienna. After postgraduate studies at the Bartlett, University College, London, he founded what is now IMPACT Design, a company with a prime focus on traffic & transport specific information systems. This subject area he also looks after as an Editor of the Information Design Journal (IDJ), published by John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
Peter Simlinger is Past-President of Graphik-Design Austria (GDA) and originator of its successor Design Austria (DA). He founded the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) and currently acts as managing director of IIID’s daugther IIIDre (re = research & education).
Decision of the IIID General Assembly of 5 September 2015, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK
Prof. Rune Pettersson, Ph.D., Stockholm, Sweden
Until 2008 Professor of Information Design at Maelardalen University, Eskilstuna. Founded the “Institute for Infology” as a private research and consulting company, 1990. Adjunct Professor of the Faculty in the New Media and Global Education Graduate Program at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Appalachian State University, North Carolina, USA, 2012. (Until 2012) author of 254 papers and 84 books. Several of those, on issues relating to information design, are freely available (see: IIID Publications). Speaker at IIID Vision Plus 4, 5, 6, 8 and 11. IIID Vice-President 2000-2006.
Decision of the IIID General Assembly of 20 June 2009, Hotel de la Sorbonne, Paris
Prof. Robert O. Swinehart
Bob was Professor Emeritus of Design and former Head of the Communication Design program at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Lifetime honorary member of the American Center for Design, Chicago. Past President of the Graphic Design Education Association. Member of the Editorial Board of the Information Design Journal.
Prof. Swinehart’s design work is included in the permanent collection of the US Library of Congress and has been exhibited by the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the American Center for Design, the Type Directors Club in New York, the Biennale of Graphic Design in Brno, Czech Republic, and (invitational) the 3rd International Design Exhibition sponsored by the Japan Design Foundation in Osaka, Japan.
Speaker at IIID Vision Plus 1, 2, 5 and 12. Organized IIID Vision Plus 4 “The Republic of Information / Design for Global Communication” at Carnegie Mellon University, 1998; IIID President 2003 – 2009.
Bob passed away in December 2020.
Prof. Robert O. Swinehart
Bob was Professor Emeritus of Design and former Head of the Communication Design program at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Lifetime honorary member of the American Center for Design, Chicago. Past President of the Graphic Design Education Association. Member of the Editorial Board of the Information Design Journal. Prof. Swinehart’s design work is included in the permanent collection of the US Library of Congress and has been exhibited by the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the American Center for Design, the Type Directors Club in New York, the Biennale of Graphic Design in Brno, Czech Republic, and (invitational) the 3rd International Design Exhibition sponsored by the Japan Design Foundation in Osaka, Japan. Speaker at IIID Vision Plus 1, 2, 5 and 12. Organized IIID Vision Plus 4 “The Republic of Information / Design for Global Communication” at Carnegie Mellon University, 1998; IIID President 2003 – 2009.
Bob passed away in December 2020.
Decision of the IIID General Assembly of 20 June 2009, Hotel de la Sorbonne, Paris
Prof. Dr h.c. Erik Spiekermann, Berlin, Germany
World renowned typographer and designer. Co-founder of MetaDesign and FontShop. Chairman of the Managing Board of Edenspiekermann AG, Berlin, Germany. Professor at the University of the Arts Bremen, Germany. Speaker at IIID Vision Plus 1, 4 and 5. IIID President 1995 – 2003.
Decision of the IIID General Assembly of 9 July 2004, Columbia College, Chicago
IIID Award for Distinguished Contribution to the International Institute for Information Design:
Dr. Harald Gardos, Wien/Vienna, Austria, 1945 – 2006
General Secretary of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO 1977 – 2000. Made the 28th General Conference of UNESCO, 1995, pass a resolution recommending IIID as a partner organization for worldwide co-operation on matters of information design. Made the UNESCO Director-General Frederico Mayor, in 1997, authorizing the IIID to operate its planned Information Design University under “the auspices” of UNESCO. Vice-President of IIID from its inaugural meeting up to 2003.
Decision of the IIID General Assembly of 9 July 2004, Columbia College, Chicago